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Misty Commercial
4211 Misty Ln
Acerca de esta propiedad
Seller - Maxwell Farms Partners, LP
Acreage - 99.08 acres
Target Lot Yield - 567 total lots
Location - 9.8 miles from San Marcos / 7.4 miles from Kyle / 11.2 miles from Lockhart / 28.7
miles from Austin
Jurisdiction - San Marcos ETJ / Caldwell County
Utilities - County Line SUD water & wastewater. Lift station needed. NSSA drafted & pending seller signature. Bluebonnet Electric with 3 phase along Farmers Rd.
Road Frontage & Access - 2322.58’ on Misty Ln & 1856.33’ on Farmers Rd
FEMA Floodplain - No portion of the site is in the FEMA floodplain
School District - Lockhart ISD
Entitlements - Development agreement in process with Caldwell County. Seller is working with Southwest Engineers & the City of San Marcos to secure preliminary plat approval.
Características principales:
Precios de lotes
$20,000 per lot ($11,340,000)

Calculadora de hipotecas
$20,000 per lot ($11,340,000)

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